WRITER'S BLOCK is an upcoming independent feature film directed by Jacob Arango and Alex Mathison. The psychological-thriller was written by both directors and Madison Lehew, the producer.
Edward Knight, once-prolific bestselling author, faces a creative drought after surviving a mysterious accident. Pressured to deliver a new book, Edward finds himself haunted by strange visions of a man who seems tied to his traumatic past. Overwhelmed and spiraling into paranoia, Edward gradually uncovers the truth behind the accident and who the strange man really is. WRITER’S BLOCK explores themes of guilt, trauma, and self-destruction as Edward is forced to confront the consequences of his past, all while grappling with the blurred lines between reality and delusion.
WRITER'S BLOCK is currently in its festival run and unable to be published online. To keep up with the film and any updates on future screenings, follow our Instagram.
Trailer edited by Jacob Arango.